Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Midweek: too busy? another finish and OMG start


 The 25 B blocks for Indigo Way are finished.   

I put the A's and B's on the design wall.  I really like busy designs but my initial impression is that this is TOO busy.  

The pattern calls for 20 half blocks for the setting triangles.  I've made four. 

I've told myself firmly not to rush this -- let the blocks sit for a while.  An entire quilt of just A's and/or just B's would look pretty good.   

Meanwhile,  here is the **fourth** finish for 2024.   I made the flimsy in December with leftovers from Grassy Creek, the 2021 mystery.  It's wheelchair sized.  

My One Monthly Goal for January is to plan (at least) and make (hopefully) a 24" x 24" quilt for the Modern Quilt Guild annual mini swap.  The entry form asks for preferences to guide the swap partner.  I suggested upcycling.  My assigned partner (whom I do not know) said she likes improv.  I'm going to do both with my entry and use necktie silk.  

It's been a long time since I opened the silk bins. These are 98% neckties that have been disassembled, washed, and pressed. After years in the bins they're quite wrinkled.  This is a 25-year accumulation.  I've made one vest, one skirt, one jacket, fifteen little gift bags, one quilt, and many hexagon rosettes.   (The other 2% are silk scarves which I cannot resist at estate sales and thrift shops. These are not colors or patterns that I'd wear.  I have a drawer of silk scarves that I do wear.)  

I have a design concept.  You'll have to wait for the reveal.

Linking up with Midweek Makers  Wednesday Wait Loss

P.S.  Remember the Dress for Success days in the 1980's when women wore floppy silk ties?   They pricey to buy but easy to make, which is what I did. 


  1. I'm with you on that one...too busy! Too many little pieces in a big quilt. Two quilts would really show off the blocks and the fabrics.

  2. I love the combination of blues and greens in your Indigo Way, but can't decide about the too busy question. Each block probably would make a beautiful quilt on its own. I'm intrigued by your silk tie project, and will enjoy seeing what you do with them!

  3. The last Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt I made was Grand Illusions. When I put it on the wall, it was so busy I could not finish it. I sent it someone who did finish and donate it. I have made other quilts of hers (Appalachian Autumn, Sugar Grove, Pineapple Blossom) and they were no way as busy.

  4. i agree....way too busy for my taste...nice blocks but need a bit of space, place for the eye to rest...i couldn't sleep under that quilt for sure

  5. Your Bonnie Mystery turned out beautifully! I have the same feeling, wondering if setting triangles of the background would be a better option. But I've already cut all the pieces, so I'll probably stick with the as designed version.

  6. I like Indigo Way. It'll be fun to see what you decide, and to see how your improv project turns out! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. Indigo Way looks wonderful and now I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the silk. And - 4th finish already?!!! Wow.

  8. I found Indigo Way a little too busy as well. Since I hadn’t made the hour glasses yet when the quilt was revealed, I decided to skip them and substitute a plain square of my „featured“ fabric. Also, I will skip the blue and red triangle border. That’s settled things down quite a bit and I’m really liking it now.

  9. Is it too late for my 2 cents. I agree too busy. Keep the blocks in separate quilts.

  10. Your Indigo Way is coming together beautifully. Love your tie. Very sharp!


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