Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Midweek: stash report for October, and November projects


Rabbit, rabbit!  

Here is the explanation of this first-day-of-the-month good luck charm. I first read about it in Trixie Belden and the Black Jacket Mystery, circa 1963 but only in recent years do I remember to say it. 

It was a chilly Halloween with a 1" snowfall that frosted the pumpkins and the chrysanthemum. We had 20 trick-or-treaters.  We gave out mini-packs of fruit snacks (those gummy things) and little boxes of raisins because I didn't want to be tempted by left over chocolate.

I had a productive quilting month, though I didn't work on my OMGs (placemats and a tote bag) or the RSC color. 

 I went to THREE quilt shows.

I finished FIVE quilts. 

I donated TWO quilts. 

I acquired A LOT of fabric.  

The stash report:

Fabric OUT, October:  44-1/4 yards.

Fabric IN, October:  295 yards, $447, average $1.68/yard.  (Estate sale bargains!)

Fabric OUT, YTD: 923-7/8 yards. (I contributed a lot to the guild raffle and have sent several boxes to fellow quilters.) 

Fabric IN, YTD:  960-1/4 yards, $1751 Average $1.82 per yard.   

..... I think I need to send out a few CARE packages....

Meanwhile, coming up in November:   a baby quilt for a P.E.O. sister.   (We haven't had a new baby in our chapter for a long time.)  The other quilter in our chapter has made blocks. I'll get them from her this weekend and work on the quilt next week.  The shower is November 12.   I'll declare this my OMG for the month because I know I'll get it done!

The flimsy I showed in Monday's post is under the needle now.  

Linking up with Midweek Makers  Wednesday Wait Loss and  OMG at Stories from the Sewing Room

P.S.  Thanks for the shout out today, Susan!  


  1. What lovely finishes...nice work in October finishing up!! :))) [Sadly, I can make no such claims here;000]
    My 2 in progress are still marinating on my wall..I don't have a lot of fabric I like left so perhaps they are going to be two wall hangings??? ?Quien Sabe?
    Another grey and windy day here--cold for our morning walkies...hugs, Julierose

  2. you certainly keep busy and so many benefit from your generous efforts....nice stash haul!

  3. I loved learning about the origins of Rabbit, Rabbit! I grew up on Trixie Belden books - they made me a reader. You are a busy and generous quilter - I know you'll use that fabric or find other people who will!

  4. Wow you certainly had a great month! Love the quilt under the needle and can't wait to see the finish. It looks very pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. Wow! You must go to a lot of estate sales or a couple with a lot of fabric. 960 yards??

  6. I just about fell off my chair when I saw the 960 1/4 yards IN to your stash. Holy crow! My eye fell on that before I assimilated the amount you got OUT but it's still taking me awhile to recover. From EITHER amount!!!

  7. Between quilting and fabric buying, you’ve been very busy. Congratulations on all the wonderful finishes and donations. It was cold here for Halloween but only 34, so no snow. Does this signal a long, cold winter? Ann at FretNotYourself

  8. You inspire us with all the quilts you finish...way to go!

  9. Wow that is a lot of finishes, and so beautiful too. And quilt shows and lots of fabric acquisition. Sounds like a great season! Shasta


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