Sunday, October 1, 2023

Weekly update: wrapping up September, part 2

I had a productive month in my studio.  On the left: the Beacon and Autumn Nine-Patch are finished.  The back of the nine-patch is in the center.  The black/white Geese and Goslings and the blue Happy Endings are flimsies.
 All three bears (Papa, Mama, Baby) are quilted and bound.  
I used three different quilting patterns:  my default swirl, serpentine, and grid.    
Despite all this creativity I added more to my stash than I used.  
Fabric IN, September:   113-3/4 yards, $335.36.  Average: $2.93/yard.   (Quilt show in Madison + an estate sale.)
Fabric OUT, September:  55-3/4 yards. 
Fabric IN, YTD: 665-1/4 yards, $1639.00.  Average $2.05/yard.
Fabric OUT, YTD:  879-3/8.
Net decrease:  213 yards.

I did not achieve my OMG -- to make jumbo tote bag large enough to carry quilts.  I'll try for that in October.  I also want to make a set of placemats to go with our fall dishes (Fair Winds by Meakin).

(Thanks to Ann Marie for taking over the OMG link up, with appreciation to Patty who hosted it for many years.)

Next post:  a quilt show!


  1. You had a very productive month! Add to that all of the meetings, luncheons, etc. that you attend every month.

  2. Wow....when do you get time to sleep?


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