Sunday, June 18, 2023

Weekly update: enjoying the sunshine, a finish, and a start


I'm happy to report that my husband was released from the hospital Friday afternoon.  The tests were negative, which is the right outcome.   We are very grateful to our good friends who took time out of their busy day to drive me into Chicago to get him (and bring him back).  He's re-oriented and all is well.

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We had two good excursions, to Grant Woods Forest Preserve on Saturday and Chain O' Lakes State Park on Sunday.  (Left photo:  Fox River is on the horizon at Chain O' Lakes.) 

Wildflower medley:  spiderwort, yarrow, sorrel.  Cinquefoil, bird's foot trefoil, echinacea/coneflower. Daisy fleabane, white indigo, yellow sweet clover.

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In the studio:  

The pattern that inspired the Christmas bow tie blocks had a straight set.  

When I did that with this bold assortment the blocks competed with one another. There was no focal point. 

(This photo is just the blocks on the design wall, not a setting layout. But you get the idea of the assortment.)

I came across another magazine pattern that set bow ties into rings.  Aha!  

And here's the result -- quilted and bound.

I pieced the left over bow ties into the back. 

This will be the AAUW holiday raffle quilt unless I decide to make something different.  I don't often get a quilt made months in advance!  

Now I'm working on another batch of mug rugs for the ongoing P.E.O. project.  

Linking up with Oh Scrap!  Sew and Tell  Design Wall Monday


  1. Wow, what a difference the change of setting makes. It makes the minis really pop, I had to go back and check they were in the first photo. Aha indeed

  2. An especially vibrant quilt, and the backing is so much fun. Good news indeed on your husband's medical tests! You all seem to be having an especially good wildflower season - we are so dry that I wonder if the later summer wildflowers will even appear?


  3. Very happy for you and your husband re test results AND his being home again. I really like the setting you chose - very very pretty!

  4. Oops - forgot to add my name - Quiltdivajulie.

  5. Rings is always a good choice for Bow Ties. They become a 3-D grid and the small ones making the little circles are just great.

  6. Glad to hear Stevens got an "all clear." Your bowties are stunning (and inspiring, darn it!)

  7. I'm so glad your husband is home and back to normal. Thar must have been very scary for you both! The bowtie quilt is amazing! I love the smal blocks interspersed with the large ones - makes a very interesting design.

  8. Nice to have him home and well! I really like those minis, I've had my eye on them for a while as my pictures will show. I keep takes snaps of them and put them in my "next project" file. Happy sewing!

  9. Yea for hubster's health report and return home! Much to celebrate.

  10. So good to hear that your husband is back at home, the very best place to recuperate. All the best to him and to you!

  11. That's an incredible difference in settings for the bow ties - your choice is SO much better than the original! And so glad your DH is home and had good results.

  12. I'm glad that your husband is back home and hopefully doing well. I like that bowtie quilt. Good job!

  13. So glad your husband is home and doing okay. So challenging when our loved ones are sick. Sending hugs! I LOVE your bowtie quilt!!! The back is neat too! Sending positive thoughts to you!

  14. It's so nice when our loved ones return home. Glad to hear he is well enough to be back home. I love the final layout of your bowtie quilt. I've been thinking to do a bowtie for years. Now I know how I want it done. thanks for the inspiration. Sending prayers your way. ;^)

  15. I adore the bowtie layout with the smaller rings... I haven't seen that before and it's so fun!


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