Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Midweek: solstice sunrise, wildflower closeups, and mug rugs

Mist on the meadow as I drove to the lakefront.

Solstice sunrise over Lake Michigan, 5:15 a.m. today.

Wildflower closeups on the trail (just west of the shoreline, but taken on Monday).

Japanese rose, yarrow, common ninebark.

Meadow buttercup/ranunculus, daisy fleabane, salsify (gone to seed).  

First black-eyed Susan/rudbeckia of the season (early!), Canadian anemone, bladder campion.

Clockwise:  foxglove, cinquefoil, golden Alexander, flag iris, spiderwort.

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I made 15 daisy mug rugs.  I sewed right sides together and then turned out, rather than adding a binding.  

I hope to finish them this evening.

This is a tend-to-the-details day. The ALA Annual Conference is in Chicago this weekend.  I'll be downtown all day tomorrow for a meeting, then home for the night, and back downtown from Friday through Monday.  (The caregiver will be here each afternoon, Thursday-Monday.)

Linking up with   Wednesday Wait Loss  


  1. ooh don't you love that low lying mist....gorgeous!

  2. Love those cute little mug rugs! What pretty photos of the solstice. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. What a beautiful morning - love your pictures! And the wildflowers, too. Those mug rugs are adorable - the recipients are going to love them!

  4. My first thought was "sunrise, who's getting up at 4am!" but despite your white winters, you're south of me. I did get up at 4am when I was on holiday recently so I could sit outside in my pjs and watch the sun appear from the sea. If I'd had to get dressed and drive I doubt I'd have made the effort so I'm glad that you did on my behalf.

  5. You are indefatigable. I feel exhausted just reading your long days filled with activities. Crushing on the daisies. Such a wonderful idea for scraps. I am saving it for later.

  6. Excellent way to finish the mug rugs - binding them takes longer than making them! Enjoy your conference. Quiltdivajulie

  7. Thank you for IDing the flowers - there were a couple I didn't know the names of. Cute daisy mug rugs !


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