Monday, May 15, 2023

Weekly update: orange + new start

I included RSC orange in a batch of blocks I'm contributing to an upcoming block drive.  There are 50 (all colors) in this photo.  I plan to make a few more.  

There are a few oranges here, too.  I'm planning to make 42 blocks (8-1/2" unfinished).  There's more to the design.   I hope to have a flimsy to show mid-week.

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A Mother's Day remembrance.  

My mother loved reading British mysteries. (So did my dad.). In 1987 they were in Scotland during the Edinburgh Book Festival. Lady Antonia Fraser was a featured author. Mother said, “Oh, Lady Antonia, if you come to the U.S. it would be wonderful if you could visit our favorite mystery bookstore.” And somehow Mother and the bookstore owner made it happen in 1988. [Before the Internet!]

Linking up with Oh Scrap!

RSC So Scrappy

Design Wall Monday

Melva Loves Scraps


  1. Your mom must have been a terrific lady, and obviously your parents passed along their love of reading to you. You have some fun blocks happening this week!

  2. I love the color palette you have going in your hourglass block project; looking forward to seeing more of this.

  3. Super orange blocks! So loved that story about your mom and Lady Fraser. Wonderful photos! British mystery series made today are the best.

  4. I love your description in your profile about “with strings attached”! So sweet.
    Nice donation blocks!
    Your hourglass (?) blocks are so pretty – that combination of colors is cheerful!
    Wow! How neat is that story about your Mama and Lasy Antonia! 😊

  5. What a lovely story about your Mom and the famous author.

  6. I love that story! Where there's a will, there's a way. Your "near-flimsy" is pretty!

  7. What a great Mother's Day memory/story! Quiltdivajulie

  8. I like your donation blocks. I am refraining from starting some myself. I am still making the 3.5” three strip blocks you made several years ago. One of these days I should figure how many more I need for a quilt. Enjoyed the store about your mom inviting the author. Great memories.

  9. I reallh like your hourglass blocks. Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell


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