Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Midweek: purple placemat project (com)pleted


As predicted, the purple placemats are completed.   

They're not all the same size. They're intended as a charity donation, not kept as a set.

I still have two dozen purple triangles (mostly light lavender).   Meanwhile, I sewed some of the scraps into crumb blocks.

Linking up with Midweek Makers and Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. I've been making crumb-centred stars using up the HSTs that spawn when fabric is unattended. Yours looks like they will be more placemats.

  2. your predicted purple placemats are pleasantly pleasing !!

  3. So purple! My favorite color, so I love your placemats. They'll bring cheer to whoever uses them for sure. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. Very fun triple P's finishes this week. The crumb blocks are bright and bold. Happy stitching this weekend.


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