Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Midweek: courthouse steps


Happy National Library Week!   Zion Woman's Club members were at the Zion-Benton Public Library at 9 a.m. Monday to give donuts to the staff in honor of Library Workers' Day.  (LWD was actually Tuesday but the library was closed Tuesday for planned construction.)   ZWC led the effort the create the Zion Memorial Public Library in 1937.  

Last evening I attended a Zoom program with Will Shortz, the puzzle editor of the New York Times and the NPR Sunday puzzle guy.  It was interesting to learn about his life and career.    

He wrote the essay when he was in 8th grade.  At Indiana University he had a self-determined major to become an "enigmatologist," or puzzle-studier.  

The program was hosted by hosted by Illinois Libraries Present, a statewide programming collaboration.

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In the studio: 

I tried other arrangements of the courthouse steps blocks and decided on this.  I'm using the remaining strips, and cutting more, for the border.  It will be a flimsy soon!

Linking up with   Midweek Makers  Wednesday Wait Loss

Thanks again to Jennifer for including me in her WWL post this week.


  1. What would we do without our libraries?! I went to an author talk sponsored by our local public library last night - Shelby Van Pelt, author of Remarkably Bright Creatures. She was so interesting! Your Zoom presentation sounds fascinating, too. The Courthouse Steps quilt top is beautiful!

  2. You cannot go wrong with scrappy quilts. I love them. :) I'd love for you to join my Sew & Tell party at

  3. I've been kicking around the idea of doing another half log cabin block -- I believe the directions are from Sharon Craig -- years old and I've made a couple from it. But, then I realize I have so many UFOs although I keep making progress.... So, I'm back to what I've been working on for a while.

  4. Your arrangement of courthouse squares looks like Chinese lanterns. Love it!

  5. It must be lovely to have a dream at such a young age and then even better to be able to attain it.

  6. Hurray for libraries! they have played, and will continue to play, a big part in my life.🥰

  7. Got my new card today! Would like to have heard wil...

  8. Sounds like a very fun day at the library. Love the courthouse steps. You move so quickly on your projects. Any tips on how you get so much done?

  9. I like your layout, along with the borders. You're almost done!

  10. Love the courthouse steps! So close to being done. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  11. Wow, Nann, I'm surprised to hear he has wanted to be a writer of puzzles since at least 8th grade! Your courthouse steps looks like a great scrap buster!!!


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