Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Midweek: the tenth flimsy!


Quick post . . . lots to do today and tomorrow before the blizzard roars in. Snowfall estimates range from 2" to 10" but all forecasters say the danger will be from high winds and very, very cold temperatures.

The tenth wheelchair quilt is a flimsy.  The blocks are 9" finished.

 I had four blocks on hand.  I spent more time than I anticipated with fabric selection for the other sixteen blocks.   Many of the center patches are fussy-cut from Australian prints.

These ten flimsies used 19-3/8 yards which is pretty darn close to the 20 yards I said I'd use. (The guild charity committee packaged kits as starters for these wheelchair (35 x 48) quilts.  I took several packages totaling 20 yards (by weight).  I used some of the kit fabric but also orphan blocks and fabric from my stash.  I'll use the rest of the kit fabric eventually!)  

Linking up with Midweek Makers and Wednesday Wait Loss

P.S.  Almost sunset, day-before-solstice on my neighborhood walk Tuesday.


  1. I just love your flimsy!! Great job!!! Such a lovely sunset to enjoy.

  2. What a great charity! Your quilts will see such use and will be so loved. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. Great job! Gotta love a nice Ohio Star!

  4. another goodie nann....yep we are hunkering down here as well...out earlier today for gym, groceries and back to regularly scheduled quilting...LOL!

  5. Beautiful blocks and flimsy! You’ve really rocked it finishing 9 of these this year. Fantastic!


  6. Are you really getting a blizzard? Stay warm and safe and enjoy that pretty white stuff from indoors looking out the window! Although... a wintry wonderland does make the perfect backdrop for quilt photos, doesn't it?!

  7. Your Ohio Stars look great together. It's always nice to move fabric from stash to quilt! Hope the blizzard fizzles. We've had rain all day and the temps are going to be dropping 20 degrees or so by mid day Friday and then go into the single digits Friday night into Sat. We'll supposedly be waking up in the low teens on Sunday. Those temps are way below normal for us. Good thing I have a warm winter coat. Take care.

  8. Your Ohio Star quilt is awesome - one of my favorite blocks to make. The depth of color on this one is really rich.

  9. A very fun finish. Congrats on using almost 20 yards. That's an achievement with the holiday so close to the end of the year. Stay warm!


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