Weekly update: Seventy-six trombones, a beach walk, and a finish, and progress
Since we successfully traveled downtown to see Hamilton last month we tried the trip again on Thursday -- this time to see The Music Man. We had fifth-row seats at the Goodman Theater. The memorable songs, from 76 Trombones to Pick a Little, Talk a Little, to Till There Was You, have been earworms all weekend.
The previous time I saw the show was in 1959. (I looked it up: at the Shubert Theater. Did Robert Preston and Shirley Jones play the roles on tour? Though the website Broadway in Chicago has digitized Playbills, the archive doesn't go back that far.) What I remember is that we had balcony seats and that I had trouble seeing the stage. A couple of months later I got my first pair of glasses.
Note the "AStevens" on the theater curtain--a replica map of River City and environs. (Does this count as having his name in lights?)
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The weather has been drop-dead perfect in recent weeks: not too hot, not too humid, and sunny.
We went to the beach (Camp Logan Unit of Illinois Beach State Park) Sunday afternoon.
Midsummer wildflowers and a black-tanked husband.
(Monarda, yellow coneflower, Canada thistle, puccoon, and the two white flowers....)
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It's nice to start the month with a finish. In this case, I quilted and bound Purple Peaks.
Moreover, I have completed the design for the guild challenge quilt! I am using Lynne Tyler's pieced letters (here is her blog).
I'm the designer for Block Lotto this month. Writing instructions can be tricky -- what makes sense to the writer may make no sense to the reader. Here are samples for State Fair with fussy-cut floral centers. The blocks are 6.5" unf. It takes longer to select the fabrics than to make the blocks.
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More wildlife sightings: a red-spotted purple butterfly in the back yard and a juvenile jay seen from my home office window.
(It's the same butterfly-- the upper side and the lower side of the wings are so different!)
Monday link ups:
Monday Making
Oh Scrap!
Design Wall Monday
Moving It Forward
Have a great week, everyone!
It's been beautiful weather here too. I have some of those wildflowers in my garden. Can't tell what they all are from your photos but I definitely see and have bee balm/monarda and rudbeckia.
ReplyDeleteI love that block lotto block. Get those directions finished!! And thank you for moving Block Lotto along.
This is the time for fun trips. I never saw the Music Man on stage; only on screen. My first stage musical was Hello, Dolly! with Carol Channing. What an impression that made. I’ve loved musicals ever since.
ReplyDeleteMy bee balm died since DH forgot to water anything while I was gone. Sign.
Love your Block Lotto block. That will be so cute in that small size. I find it interesting that I look at the Linky parties and your postings are always the ones I’m attracted to first! Our tastes must align. Glad you had such a nice trip to The Music Man!
ReplyDeleteWe saw a college production of Music Man last year and I never get tired of it. Wish we were having equally pleasant weather ...
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great week of activities, indoors and out. Love your block lotto blocks. I agree writing instructions can be tricky, graphics work so much better, but take sooo much longer to make.
ReplyDeleteI love the fussy-cut centers in your blocks!!! Pattern writing can be tedious and tricky. Fortunately you can ask folks to test drive your pattern before publishing. So, where is the fabulously finished Purple Peaks?
ReplyDeleteThat butterfly looks like the Tiger swallow butterfly -- state butterfly of Va and a frequent visitor to our butterfly bush. We've had less humid weather for the last couple of days but I suspect the humidity will rise as will the temps. You're better than we are about getting out and about. The heat really zaps my energy.