Tuesday, January 22, 2019

It's a finish!

The photo doesn't look much different from the one I posted yesterday, but if you look closely you can see the blue binding. 

I used leftover bow ties on the back.

I am low on big pieces of 30's fabric. The green/pink print on the left and the blue/black print on the right are genuine vintage pieces--36" wide.

My 30's stash is down to one shelf.

I have two boxes of genuine vintage fabric . . . but if they haven't been sewn for 50+ years, what's the rush? 

Linking up today with Connie and friends
at Freemotion By the River


  1. I really love your bow tie beauty!!! That is just about how many 1930's fabrics I have, also.

  2. Congrats and I really like the backing! Vintage fabrics......I have a bunch that are 20 year old.....getting to the vintage age!

  3. The bowties are a winner! Can't believe I've never done a bowtie quilt, just a block here and there. There are so many interesting ways to set them.

  4. Congratulations, Nann. What a joy to use fabric that's been on the shelf for a while, especially when it comes out so beautifully.

  5. wonderful finish and the back is just great!

  6. Your Bow Ties turned out spectacularly ! Love the way you finish them the back! Have a good trip!


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