I was able to squeeze in a little sight-seeing while I was in Washington. I first visited the
National Museum of Women in the Arts in 1991 and have returned several times.
These wonderful paintings by Polly Apfelbaum look like quilts!

I spent Saturday afternoon at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. An exhibit about treaties was instructive.
Two points of view for each treaty.
Another exhibit featured the Inka Road, 24000 miles along the western edge of South America, built without wheels or any machinery. Inka textile fragment, 1475-1532. See the Variable Stars?
Dancers performing in the atrium.
Noisy shoes! (I didn't get the details about this tribe or its traditions.)

I took Metro to the end of the line where RCTQ/Baseball Swap friend Kathleen met me. Kathleen and I went out to dinner with Nancy, another RCTQ/BBS friend (they live about 30 miles away from one another). It was grand to meet both in person for the first time, after all these years of email correspondence and Facebook posts. I spent the night at Kathleen's house and she took me to the airport on Sunday morning.
The flight home was uneventful. I pulled into the driveway just after 1 p.m., happy to see my husband and catch up on news at home. Next up: the ALA Annual Conference!
Isn't it great to meet up with our friends from blogs etc.? I haven't made it to the Native American museum although I almost did but the museum had power outages as I was about to step inside. Bummer. Need to make a trip to DC one of these days.