Monday, August 10, 2015

DWM: August HeartStrings and a fling

Mollie, the listmom and chief cheerleader for the HeartStrings Quilt Project , encouraged us to use light-centered strings  this summer.  Because I am using only fabric in my stash for the monthly 48-block HS quilts I'm making this year I have to come up with interesting combinations.  I pulled out a piece of light blue large enough for 48 strips (2" x 15").  Hmmm, what next? I found some pieces of softy minty green and used two alike to flank the centers . . . more light blues and greens, a few mediums, and here's what resulted.

Even the scraps look  minty-cool

Blue and green are considered "calm" colors and indeed that's how I felt as I made the blocks. I'm calling it "Summermint."

There are three popup hampers under the cutting table where I toss strips (1.5", 2", 2.5") as I generate them. Some of the strips have been around for a long time and have been in several quilts. I dumped out the 2" bin, rolled all the strips, and sent them to Bev in Maine for the HeartStrings sew-in later  this month.  I weighed the box -- 4 lbs. -- so that's 16 yards flung to a good cause!

See what other quiltmakers are working on at Judy's Patchwork Times and Beth's Love Laugh Quilt .


  1. I love the cool colors of your quilt, and it's so good of you to send the rest of your strips for others to use.

  2. Looks great! would you be interested in posting this quilt to our group string blog?
    Email me if you want posting privileges.

  3. I think neutral string blocks are my favorite! These look wonderful. Great box full of fabric ready to use. Happy mail!

  4. Oh, I bet that felt good to send off your box of scraps! And what a nice treat to receive in the mail. Your calm string blocks are beautiful.

  5. What a great fabric usage this past week. A quilt and variety for the sew in. Wonderful.

  6. wow, love the low volume strings, those are seriously drop dead gorgeous! 4 lbs of strings, my my, off to a brand new start. I agree with Ramona, has to feel good putting them to good use (even if not through your sewing machine) and how nice to a big heavy box of strings!!!

  7. Great color choices in the Summermint quilt, I am jealous of all your strings!

  8. Beautifully done. The colors are so cool and relaxing!

  9. You have a lot of strings in those boxes! I love your colour choices here; they have resulted in a beautifully calm and restful quilt.

  10. Oh I love that string quilt!! And Yay you - for sending the strips on to more love!!

  11. Summermint is a great name for a quilt, and this one is a beauty. You're doing a great job whittling down your stash.


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