Friday, March 28, 2014

Resource display: quilts!

One of ZBPL's staff development requirements this year is "to promote library resources."  The staff have paired off (mixing departments and positions). Each pair is to choose an aspect of the library -- collections, services, or both -- and create a display.  In addition to highlighting what the library offers, the project provides an opportunity for interdepartmental cooperation. 

Displays have included resources for small business; homeschooling; auto repair; crafts in general, among others.

Sandy is my partner.  She's worked at ZBPL nearly as long as I have.  We discovered early on that we're both quiltmakers.  (She helped with the Readers banner in the Youth Services department.)  She comes in about the time I leave for the day and our conversation nearly always includes quiltmaking.  We realized that since March 15 is National Quilting Day this would be a good time to feature quilt books.  Here's what we came up with. 

Our display is in the library lobby.  Sandy created the Quilt Block Scramble contest.  There is a bibliography listing a few of our quilt books, both how-to and fiction.  I made the string quilt that's the prize.   (Sandy made the flimsy that is the table cover. It's Barbara Brackman's "Drinking Gourd" from her book Facts and Fabrications.) The contest ends tomorrow and we'll draw the winner from among the all-correct entries.


  1. What a neat idea for a library display & contest. I'm sure the winner will be excited. Have a super day!

  2. Great exhibit. And thanks for the book title--I knew BB had a book out on the subject but hadn't been able to find it.


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