I finished quilting
Tam's Patch on Thursday evening. That's finish #24 for 2013! I about a quarter of the way on quilting Tall Sails.

Friday I went to Geneva, IL, for the RAILS board meeting. (RAILS = Reaching Across Illinois Library System.) Two blocks up the street from the library system office I saw a sign that said "Sewing Center." Look what was in the window!
Sorry I didn't get the Singer model # -- a 403, maybe? It was a number I didn't recognize.
Update: it is a 320.

The gray machine is a Hamilton Ross. Scottish/British, maybe? (I haven't yet looked up these manufacturers.)
Wilcox & Gibbs (mid-19th century) |
Inside there were more!
Note mother-of-pearl inlay |

The shop is Creative Sewing (
http://www.creativesewing.biz/). I had a nice chat with Joe and Lisa Flyte, the owners. He's been a sewing machine tech for more than 30 years. (If it weren't 70 miles from where I live, I'd take my machines to him.) I splurged and bought a dozen fat quarters ($1.50 each).
[This was the second RAILS board meeting I've attended. I bought fabric after the first one, documented
here -- this board position may get somewhat expensive!]
Finally: this week's beach picture, taken Saturday. It was a PERFECT day. DH was able to get down from the bluff to the beach, too. (He has trouble walking.) The sky and water really were this blue.
love to see those vintage machines nann...and beach photos are ALWAYS welcome!