Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

It seemed as though we got all our winter weather in February and March this year.  The back yard was still under snow cover until mid-week. I snapped these crocuses on Good Friday. They are such pretty little flowers and they come and go so quickly!

The paschal moon has been beautiful!  I took this when I went out to get the newspaper....about 6 a.m. Thursday.  (On our way to Rotary 45 minutes later the moon was still full and the sun was up!) 

The daughter and son-in-law of friends of ours raise bison.  They'd butchered one recently and had meat for sale.  On Saturday morning we went out to their farm/ranch in Bristol, Wisconsin (about 20 miles away).  We got liver, tongue, heart, and some steaks -- all this for $70!  I got to feed apples to the bison in the pasture.  

Easter Sunday has been mild--the warmest day in a long time.  We had breakfast at church, then went home to read the newspaper, and back for the Easter service.   We had roast leg of lamb, asparagus, and new potatoes for dinner, with lemon cheesecake for dessert.  I am such a traditionalist with holiday meals.  (The lamb cooked while we were at church....what an enticing smell when we got home.

It was warm enough for the first beach walk of the year.  I had it all to myself this afternoon.

Lingering snow on a north-facing slope

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