Friday, September 25, 2009

Google Alerts picked up this news story today:
"The age-old tradition of quilting, recalling a quaint circle of ladies sharing gossip while silently sewing fabric patches, doesn't exactly mesh with rock and roll, The Doobie Brothers, and the BR Cohn Fall Music Festival. That is about to change."

Quilters and librarians are neck-and-neck (and up to their necks) in stereotypes.

And I'm both, and I am not a stereotype. (I hope.)


  1. Ha! I, too, am a quilting librarian, but I don't fit the stereotype, either. I don't wear my hair in a bun or wear sturdy black shoes. In fact, I have very short hair and wear running shoes that I recently wore to run a 5K race in 31 minutes. Woohoo!

  2. LOL my sister is a librarian and I don't think she is very stereotypical. She showed me the site of all the librarians and their body art once. haha


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