Sunday, March 2, 2025

Weekly update: an event-filled weekend, stash report, and OMG for March

 The Lake County Women's Coalition held the annual Women's History Month luncheon on Saturday.  Each year the member organizations are invited to nominate a woman who exemplifies the national WHM theme.  We recognize the winners of the scholarships we award through the College of Lake County.  (I'm LCWC secretary and the rep for the Zion Woman's Club.  AAUW-Waukegan is also part of LCWC.)  

ZWC's honoree Jeanne' is the media specialist for Beach Park Dist. 6.  (Her mom is my quilting friend Irene, and Irene and her other daughter joined us.) Jeanne' does a whole lot more, including coaching the nationally-ranked Destination Imagination Team.   AAUW's honoree Ann is a retired middle school science teacher who has led award-winning science fair teams.

Eleanor Roosevelt was the guest speaker. She spoke to us from her home at Val-Kill as she was debating whether to accept Pres. Truman's appointment to the United Nations.  As she pondered we learned a lot about her life experiences from a shy orphan to a confident leader and humanitarian.  [Portrayer Leslie Goddard researches each character thoroughly.) 

And my friend Steffi was the high bidder for the quilt that I donated.  

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Sunday afternoon the AAUW Exploring Culture group enjoyed a matinee performance of "for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf" by Ntozake Shange at the College of Lake County.   The play dramatizes twenty-three of Shange's poems.  Very powerful! 

Our caregiver V looked after Stevens while I was away.  All went well.

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In the studio:   one more placemat finished and another ready to baste.

The SAHRR with its out-of-shape borders remains on the design wall.

Stash report:  

February fabric IN:  76 yards, no cost (a destash gift).  February fabric OUT: 82-1/2 (that includes 2-1/8 lbs of trimmings and a box sent to another quilter).                    YTD fabric IN:  164-3/4 yards.  Total cost $58.00. That's .35 (thirty-five cents) per yard.                                 YTD fabric OUT:  188 yards.   Net: 23 yards used!

My multi-part OMG for March includes

*   Transport, the Running Doe top-along                         * correcting the borders for the SAHRR       * getting the Dust Off a Book project to the flimsy stage.   

The blog hop begins tomorrow!  I'll be featured on Wednesday.  

March 3  Karrin’s Crazy World   Textile Ranger  

 March 4   Alyciaquilts  KathleenMcMusing

March 5  MooseStashQuilting  WithStringsAttached   citymouse quilter

 March 6  NettieSews   Beaquilter

Linking up with  Design Wall Monday  Sew and Tell  Oh Scrap!  March OMG   


  1. Sounds like a very interesting program at your conference. Eleanor R was a fascinating woman.

  2. ooh those batik placemats sooo pretty...

  3. lucky you...getting to meet eleanor...LOL

  4. Sounds like a busy, but fun weekend. Looks like you've set the stage for a very busy week too. Good luck with your goals for the month.


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