Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday check in: January report


"Smile for your fan club!" 

Sunshine and temperatures in the upper 30's and lower 40's were conducive to walking this week.  It was good to stretch my legs!

This is pack ice, covered in sand.

I saw four of the ornaments I hung along one of the paths in mid-December.  This one had a few remnants of its red paint.

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I had a satisfying and productive month in the studio. 

The Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) prompt this week was half-square triangles. I have a box of batik HSTs on hand so this was an easy step.  

The RSC pink Ohio Star quilt is finished.  

Earlier this month:  I quilted the 2024 guild round robin, made the Amelia flimsy for the "topalong" I've joined, and made/quilted Cat's Cradle. 

Blue is the RSC color for February.   I made the 8 nine patch blocks for my year-long RSC project.  

I found 10 blue hourglass blocks in the parts department and used eight of them for a placemat.

This latest placemat joined the others for a photo shoot.  20 so far!   

The Stash Report for January:

Fabric IN:   88-3/4 yards, $51.50, average .58 (fifty-eight cents) per yard.   I wasn't going to acquire any fabric this month but there were irresistible bargains.  The final episode of Barb M's estate sale, a great find at Salvation Army, a set of new cotton sheets at Treasure Hunt (the Amazon returns store) . . .

Fabric OUT:  95-1/2 yards.  That included yardage sent to other quiltmakers for their charity projects.  I also parted with a big stack of Heartstrings blocks and five (!!) flimsies. 

Net REDUCTION:   6-3/4 yards.

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday  Stories From the Sewing Room


  1. You've been busy this month. Lots of fun projects finished and started. Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully you'll get a bit of a warm up for some nice walks.

  2. Lots of lovely quilts, Nann!!:))) The Ohio Stars are just beautiful--nice work on this one. Your SAHRR piece is looking smashing, too!!
    40 here --the warmest it's been in ages--hoping the rain hold off so that we can walk outside...
    Hugs for a fantastic weekend Julierose P.S. I just finished "The Essex Serpent"--what a fantastic book--loved it!!

  3. The pink Ohio Star is fabulous!!!!

  4. all very nice projects nann...yes fresh air is indeed invigorating! gonna be pushing 60 here a couple of days next actually had a bona fide reduction this week...even meager is

  5. Always love seeing you and hubster out and about! Great quilt show for January Nann. Happy Friyay!

  6. You've been a busy girl! I'm sure you felt good about the overall stash reduction number too. You'll miss going to the estate sale!

  7. You had a great month! Your Round Robin is looking great. I love the pink Ohio Star quilt.

  8. Loving you SAHRR and the pink Ohio Stars are inspiring me ...

  9. A satisfying and productive month indeed! Your SAHRR is looking splendid as are those Ohio Stars on pink. I forgot how much I like Ohio Stars!

  10. Wow! You had a great sewing month! I love all of them especially that SAHRR! The Ohio Star is really sweet too! Have a great day!

  11. I continue to be amazed at how productive you are and how quickly you make a quilt top. Amazing!
    I also continue to admire the bright stars (Amelia?) and the Cat's Cradle tops.

  12. Great accomplishments on all your quilting. I am particularly impressed with your SAHRR. The colors really caught my attention. I am truly impressed with your walking. I know I should, but I just avoid the cold.


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