Monday, December 16, 2024

Weekly update: many activities, little sewing

 Who says we can't try new things?  After decades of a Saturday luncheon, this year the AAUW gathering was on Friday at  Lamb's Farm.  It's a residential vocational center for adults with disabilities. Their restaurant servers are clients.   Of course we don't just eat -- we raise money!  There's a white elephant/silent auction, a 50/50 cash raffle, and the quilt raffle.   

The winner is a member of the Naperville branch. She and I will meet up sometime soon for the handoff.

The quilt raised $390 for the AAUW  Greatest Needs Fund (unrestricted support for AAUW initiatives).  The silent auction brought in $320 for Greatest Needs and the 50/50 brought in $150 for our local STEM scholarship.

Since 2003 my AAUW quilts (holiday and spring) have raised nearly $7500 for AAUW initiatives that promote  equity and education for women and girls.

Friday evening Stevens and I went a Christmas party.  Grandparents and Kin Raising Children Lake County helps families doing just that.  (Because grandparents are family, not official foster parents, they don't get the assistance that fosters receive.)  GKRCLC founder and CEO Harriet is a friend from Rotary.  I sat next to 2-year-old Jeremiah. We had a delightful conversation.  Due to privacy rules only the designated photographer could take pictures (especially of the children).  I took this photo from Harriet's FB page with Rotary friends Bill and Debbie as Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

Another schedule change this year -- my P.E.O. chapter met for lunch on Saturday (instead of dinner on our Tuesday meeting night).   Each of us brought gift cards for A Safe Place (domestic violence shelter).  We exchanged festive foods so we all had treats to take home. 

Our chapter meetings are virtual so this opportunity to be in person was delightful.

Saturday evening the Lake County Symphony Orchestra Welcome Christmas concert had a new venue at the College of Lake County.  A professional stage and sound system made such a difference from their more usual performances in church sanctuaries.  Several of the pieces were arrangements new to us.  It was splendid!  

Our concert selfie.   He got compliments on his red suspenders.  

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After the AAUW luncheon I went into the Lamb's Farm thrift shop to see if there was anything interesting.  I paid $11 for 12 yards of fabric. The dragonflies are a print, not a batik--3+ yards!

I finally put needle to fabric on Sunday evening.  Here's the table runner so far.  I'm still auditioning border fabric.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday Oh Scrap! Sew and Tell


  1. Our family went to Lambs for Christmas Eve lunch in 1979 and I still remember how delightful our server was!

  2. Oh, you are up so early today. You have such wonderful events and groups to be with. Love your holiday quilt. I just gave away a whole bunch of the blocks from a raffle as I didn't know when I would get to them. Enjoy the season and all it brings. I can't wait to see your borders on the table runner.

  3. Sounds like you've been fitting in lots of social activities. I really like the idea of bringing gift cards for a local organization rather than exchanging gifts. Most often those exchanges end up with you coming home with something you don't need.

  4. Great job raising so much money with your quilt donations.

  5. oh those suspenders...festive indeed!! lovely quilt nann and so happy it raised great funds for such a worthy cause...lots of fun it looks like...and love the new runner!

  6. Sounds like a fun and busy week! That dragonfly print is a neat one. Pretty stars for the tablerunner, too!

  7. I love that dragonfly fabric. 😍 What a great find. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  8. My dad was a suspenders fan and loved the joke about why firemen wear red suspenders, so I love seeing these!

    cheers, Ceci

  9. You had a busy week with some fun stuff. Enjoy the holidays and your stitching time.

  10. I may be wrong....but I think you asked if anyone knew of someway to put your posts or journal entries into a book. May I suggest that you check out the Storyworth site. I actually worked on their site and made a book of 452 pages for my grands. It costs $99.00 a year to use their on-line templates. Then dependent upon how many pages your book is upon completion and if you want black and white or have it in color ....charge will be accordingly. I loved my book as did my grands. Maybe it will work for you as well.

    1. Bee, from what I can tell Storyworth doesn't provide blog-to-book publishing. Rather, their software allows you to create your own story. I did find a company called Pixxibook that appears to be legitimate.


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