Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday check in: signs of autumn, a quilt show, stash report, and OMG October


We've slipped back into our routine with afternoon outings most days.  The weather has been very warm and sunny though severely dry.  

The caregiver took Stevens out last week, too.  Here's a photo from the beach.  

 Our favorite flower/produce stand has apples!  Susan drives to southwestern Michigan every Saturday evening to get them from  Twin Maple Orchard  

We really like Swiss Gourmet and Winter Banana (mid-season).

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We went to the Southport Quilters' annual show/exhibit at the Anderson Arts Center in Kenosha.  (S stayed in the car and enjoyed the view while I went inside.) 

 The Anderson was once a lakefront mansion and is now a gallery.  The show is a month long and it's free.  I have artists' statements for most of these if you want to know more.   

After climbing and descending spiral staircases at the Tower of London and the Arc de Triomphe this one was no problem, either up or down. 

Lower left: view from an upstairs window. 

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Stash report, September:  fabric IN 75 yards, $313, average $4.10/yard  (most of the expense was at the Madison show and most of the aquisition was at an estate sale).

Fabric OUT  18-12/ yards

YTD  in: 1360 yards, $2773, average $2.04/yard. (Imagine if I'd paid full price--$13/yard!) 

YTD out:  745-1/2

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I am sewing!  

Aunt Vina's Favorite blocks. Colorway inspired by a quilt by Jean Wells in a 2003 book.

That leads to OMG for October.  It's going to be a piece-full month because I must take the Janome in for cleaning.    I intended to do that just before the trip but ran out of time.   Sweetness, the Singer 301, is grand for straight stitching.  

What will I piece?  Oh, I have a lot in boxes and bags.  Tune in to see what I come up with!

Linking up with OMG October and Finished or Not Friday 

P.S.  I'll post book reviews next time. 


  1. Looks like a great week!! and good times to get out!! Yay for apples!!!!
    Love your blocks - have fun stitching them!

  2. Those are two varieties of apples that I've never heard of...perhaps they aren't available here. Glad that the weather is still good enough for you to enjoy time outdoors but I do hope you get some rain soon.

  3. I'm always amazed at the volume of fabric you have in/out. Estate sales must be a lot of fun.


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