Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Midweek: sunny day and a finish

 Yesterday was unseasonably warm -- 80 degrees -- and sunny.   Perfect for a long walk in the state park.  

Top: coneflower, toadflax, goldenrod.  Middle: artemisia/mugwort (looks like an aerial view of a pine forest), evening primrose, liatris. Bottom: sumac, aster, Queen Anne's lace.  The late-blooming flowers are getting the last of the pollinators.

A cold front came through overnight and we'll have rain today through the weekend. 

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It's finished!   I made the flimsy in September. The pattern is Happy Endings by Lesley Chiasson.  I'm naming it Parquet because  . . .

. . . . I'm pretty sure I bought the fabric when it first came out.  17 years = time to use it! 

I was a little apprehensive about how to quilt the big open spaces. In the end I outlined the flying geese and quilted swirls in the background. 

The 58" w print was just right for the back. 

Linking up with Wednesday Wait Loss

Quilt Fabrication  TGIFF

Thanks for the shout out, Jennifer!  (You can see that quilt, finished, on Monday's post.)


  1. I'm glad you changed your settings and now we can click and enlarge the photos to see those native plants closer. I have never heard of a lot of them before.

  2. I get a little nervous about big open spaces too but your quilting looks lovely! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. Our cold front is bringing snow to Colorado this weekend! I'm not ready for that... Your Parquet quilt is beautiful, and the perfect name for it, too!

  4. The Happy Endings does have a lot of open space, but it's really neat.

  5. Sounds like you had a really nice day for a walk. Congrats on the finish, it turned out beautifully. I've been raiding my stash for older yardage for backings. I've been pretty amazed at some of the copy right dates on my yardage. Definitely time to use it up.

  6. I've always been fascinated with this pattern. So simple, yet has a great pattern. Nice to see one done up.

  7. Hard to believe we're getting such warm temperatures this late in the year. Mind you, I'm happy to take it!
    Another great finish! Scrappy quilts are always my favourites.

  8. The densely quilted background quilting lets the foreground stand out. Very nice.


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