Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Midweek: the Beacon


The Beacon will be the prop when I give the stewardship campaign message this coming Sunday.  

This year's theme is  "A Beacon of God's Grace." I'll use the metaphor of the Fresnel lens.   

French physicist August Jean Fresnel was a pioneer in the field of optics.  In 1821 he produced his first apparatus, or lens, using the dioptric system.  He surrounded a central bulls-eye lens with a series of concentric prisms. The panel collected light [in those days, an oil lamp] that would otherwise escape to the sky or to the sea, concentrating it in to narrow horizontal beam. With the panels of prismatic lenses rotating around and above the light, one beam had the power of many. 

Our church’s core is God – that one intense central light.   The people of our church are like the prisms in the lenses, each collecting the light as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.   We then reflect that light outward to the glory of God and the betterment of our community and our world. 

I had a box of 3.5" batik HSTs on hand which speeded up construction.   I used yellow thread and the serpentine stitch to quilt radiating lines.    36" square.  

The back is teal/aqua batik so I'll count it for RSC September.  

Thanks for the shout out, Jennifer!  


  1. That's just beautiful, Nann! And the perfect symbol for your message, too.

  2. perfect visual for such a talk....nice job!

  3. WOW--talk about HST's--I am waiting for my squaring up ruler...pretty quilt...hugs, Julierose

  4. Love this quilt! So beautiful and fits your theme so perfectly! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. Love your quilt. It does look like a beacon too. Awesome job for a great metaphor. Bravo! ;^)


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