Monday, November 17, 2014

DWM: a star is born and WIP

Gayle Bong (website) was the speaker at the NLCQG monthly meeting. She presented a day-long workshop on "Infinite Stars" this past Saturday.  The design concept is to use 60-degree diamonds to make a six-pointed star. She begins with a regular block, then redrafts it so that squares become diamonds.

Here are her class samples.
Gayle is a good teacher!
the book and the pattern

 I cut out all the pieces and managed to make one diamond in class. I made the other five diamonds at home.  The conclusion is that I need to practice a whole lot more!  (It may look as though these will fit together but they won't.)

Back to my comfort zone:  here is my postage stamp WIP.  I've decided to make 20 blocks.   Three possible sash fabrics are shown, but the final choice will depend on the border fabric and I haven't begun to audition that.
the blocks are fun to make

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I presented "Every Quilt Tells a  Story" for Arlington Hts. AAUW last Monday. There were nine members and two guests. Everyone was attentive and two people took copious notes.  Just one person brought a quilt, a lovely Grandmother's Flower Garden. I talked about the importance of labeling--hers had a safety-pinned slip of paper with the provenance.

Now that I've given EQTAS twice I'm more confident and I will seek more gigs.  I also want to add to the vintage quilts that I show, which provides a good excuse to go antiquing!

I'm linking up with other quiltmakers for Design Wall Monday at Judy's Patchwork Times .


  1. Wow -- your star is spectacular!! Lovely work! :)

  2. I'm impressed! I do a lot with 60 degrees, but nothing that complex. By the way, I'll be lecturing and teaching (60-degree log cabin star) in Princeton, IL June 5-6. It would be nice to meet you in person. Maybe we can work something out.

  3. I think the star looks gorgeous! It seems like it would be a fun class to take.

  4. Thanks, Nann. I had a great time Saturday and hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Your star sure turned out pretty. I thought you trued up your pieces. If you did, those pieces should fit together with just a little easing. Probably not a good idea to trim the diamonds to make them fit.

  5. I like the squares with the Green sashing. It will be fun to see your star made after you have practiced some more. This one looks just fine.

  6. Love the star. Practice will make perfect, I'm sure.
    I really like the PS quilt. I like the green sashing best too.

    Good luck on more gigs!

  7. I say, good for you for trying new things that are out of your comfort zone! Your colors are very dynamic! Thank you for stressing the importance of labeling. People forget who made what within one generation.

  8. Love your star. The colors are beautiful. And your postage stamp quilt is coming along nicely.

  9. Lovely quilt sew em together into a quilt!


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