Wednesday, December 29, 2010

RCTQ Christmas memories

Look what I found when I repacked the "Christmas gift wrap and package trims" box this morning.
I received these from an exchange by members of RCTQ (the Usenet newsgroup rec.crafts.textiles.quilting, now a Google group) in 1999.  [Straw stars: Elke Painke; angel: Karen Hood; beaded snowflake: Judy Fearn; snowman: Donna Crompton; tree: Ally Fiddy; heart: Judy Christensen; holly: Stephanie Scales; Santa: Gen Henderson.]  I have no recollection what I contributed!


  1. I was on the newsgroup then, but didn't take part in the exchange. The newsgroup is still one of the first things I go to each day when checking my mail...


  2. I participated one year too, but not the same year as you did. I had a small tree in the hall with all the swap decorations on it. They are all packed away at our Canadian home for use the next time we spend Christmas there. We've been staying in Florida for the winter for the past few years, so there are a few decorations that I haven't seen for a while. Thanks for the memories!


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