Friday, November 5, 2010

And the winning word....

Last evening was the 5th Annual Community Spelling Bee to benefit CREW

The trophy comes back to ZBPL.
There were 18 three-person teams to start.  At the end it was ZBPL and Zion Park District.  In the 10th round we got "malapropos." They got "energumenen."  No one had heard of that one!   (It means "possessed by a demon.") 

And ZBPL won the prize for the best cheering squad! 
The fans were the planners' idea

Nervous?  Not us!


  1. Wow! I didn't know there WERE adult Spelling Bees - congratulations on those words!

  2. Congrats!

    I participated in the Scrabble (tm) tournament in Eau Claire which benefited Literacy Volunteers (great pairing). The library always did well.

  3. well congrats. You sure wouldn't want me on your team!


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