Monday, November 23, 2009

T-shirt quilt: finished!

"Out of the strain of the doing, into the peace of the done."

I offered a t-shirt quilt in the 2008 Rotary auction. Cindy B. was the successful bidder. She wanted a quilt for her son Chris, who graduated from high school this year. In August Cindy brought me the t-shirts that Chris selected. It took me a while to choose from among them, and then decide how I wanted to set them, and then how to quilt the result. (Reading blogs and discussion group posts about t-shirt quilts provided almost too much inspiration!) It's big -- 84 x 87. The quilting isn't perfect (despite fusing the motifs to interfacing, the t-shirt fabric still stretched). But it's done! And Chris will have a quilt for Christmas.
I hope to have a burst of productivity now that this logjam has been broken.  


  1. I made a t-shirt quilt for my daughter from her elementary school t-shirts. Now she wants one from her high school t-shirts. That's my next project! It's hard to do anything very creative when there are lots of shirts, as in your case. She only has about 5 from high school, so I'll actually be creating some different blocks. I should mention that she graduated high school over 3 years ago. You were actually very quick! And it looks great!

  2. I've been collecting Library/ALA/ACRL related tees - but haven't had the nerve to chop them up. I'll talk to you about this one! not-your-sister Valerie


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